About DGI

DGI is a sports association in Denmark that works to better the conditions for our more than 6.400 member sports clubs and their more than 1.6 million members.

Since its founding in 1992, DGI has been a strong advocate for a healthy, challenging and community-based sports environment. An environment in which the individual can accomplish both personal and shared victories. We want the individual to work in unison with the community that surrounds them, and become better and stronger because of it.

DGI currently consists of more than 6.400 local associations and clubs, with more than 1.6 million members. Spread out over 14 regions, each with their own local departments, DGI covers all of Denmark, as well as a small part of northern Germany.

Though all local branches of DGI are autonomous to a certain degree, all still share a common set of values and strive towards a common goal: to create a setting which encourages future members to join the local clubs and associations, and in which the individual athlete can thrive.


  • A Sense of Community – By recognizing the value of the individual, as well as the importance of the community, DGI promotes not just results on the court, but off the courts as well. The sports associations do not just strengthen the community they have brought together, but society as a whole.
  • Spirit – The very core of DGI is powered by the spirit of the volunteers in the clubs and associations, the athletes duking it out on the field, or willing themselves through another practice session. It is through their display of character and devotion that the individual may find the inspiration to continue their progress, steadily increasing his or her skills.
  • Determination – The finest mission of the organization is not just to help others obtain their goals, but also becoming better at doing so. No matter the skill level, no matter the task, the focus is not just on the results, but the development shown by the individual, as well.
  • Strength – It is through the community the individual will find that extra strength to persevere. Alone it is only possible to make it so far, but a strong community can make a world of difference. A strong community is the first step towards accomplishment.

Sports and activities

With more than 6.300 local associations and clubs, DGI encompasses a wide range of activities, ensuring a broad selection all over the country.

When it comes to participating in the various sports, level of skill should not be an issue; to create equal opportunity for all athletes, DGI makes sure that – where possible - offers for all levels of competence are available. 

Currently the activities with the most members are gymnastics, with more than 260.000 members and football (soccer) with more than 230.000. Other sports and activities offered in the various associations include (but not limited to) badminton, basketball, esport, fitness, handball, shooting, swimming, tennis, various martial arts and volleyball.

As different as all the activities and sports offered might be, they are all equal in one important aspect: They all share the values of DGI, which benefits not only the community and the local association, but also the individual – whether it be playing volleyball or handball, practicing taekwondo or table tennis, the emphasis lies on the individual, as part of a greater whole.