What is ‘foreningsliv’?

Join a Danish sports club and become a part of a committed community where physical activity and wellbeing are the main attractions.

About DGI

DGI is a sports association in Denmark that works to better the conditions for our more than 6.400 member sports clubs and their more than 1.6 million members. Together with the clubs, we make people move – for you, your team, your health and just for fun.

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In Denmark, we have a unique history of doing sports together in clubs – we call them foreninger. In our foreninger we meet in the spare time and do sports as a team or as a community of athletes in individual sports.

In a Danish sports club, you might meet your colleague or neighbour on the track, where he or she coaches your daughter’s football team. Your banker might be the chairperson of the local tennis club, and your boss might be serving coffee during a weekend tournament.

All of them are doing this as volunteers, in their spare time and without being paid.

The key words in ‘foreningsliv’ are community, volunteering and room for diversity.